Member Information
Being a Member of the Chamber of Commerce you will join 85 like minded businesses.
​Why become a member? Not everyone has time or the resources to mount individual advertising campaigns or participate in local government activities. The Chamber is a not-for-profit entity that is designed to maximise the available time and resources of business owners to ensure business interests are reflected into local and state government and also to provide a common network and knowledge base for members to support each other.
Membership is an annual fee of $250 (payment plans available).
Access to our regular networking and information sharing events (5 per year).
Access to our specific Accommodation or Retail user Groups that are held every 6 weeks.
Regular fortnightly newsletters. (The Hub)
Receive opportunity to participate in free courses unique to Chamber Members
Central location through our newsletter to receive other training opportunities from Alpine Shire Council, Alpine Health, Tourism North East and more.
From like minded businesses through networking events.
Your Membership allows us to support the following:
Generation and rollout of Bright Vision.
Executive members advocating on your behalf
Buy Local, Buy Chamber
Become a member. Complete the application form to join.